Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Where is the VAN at?


Heather Palacios said...

what does it mean if I saw Palant and Torres pushing the van down Stirling?? :O
How come they had to push and Diaz got to steer??
LOL! You guys are all awesome 4 going on the trip, man. Christmas props 2 u all!

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone... well what LeadHership is refering to is the fact that we got a dead battery in Homestead at a gas station. Found a guy that was nice enough to give us a gift and lend us his jumper cables. When Diaz stalled again in traffic, with the help of PattY!! Torres and myself pushed through traffic to get it started again, then as we pulled into the church, it stalled again, so we just pushed it to its final resting place! Man that thing was tired, I praise God for letting us get all the way down and back up safely without any major problems! The Gift Revolution has been started and its like a fire blazing through the country... get on board... How are you apart of the revolution! Love yall! I thank FRC for the opportunity to spread the RevolutioN!